Thursday, October 12, 2017



DLG... To limit the number of rounds a gun can shoot or a person  can have or carry is to nullify the purpose of the 2nd Amendment. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to arm the citizenry against a rogue government.

Whatever the answer is for school violence, it does not include arming the teachers any more than it means disarming the citizenry. It has been my observation (along with many others) that there are far too many unstable people who are teachers or teachers with a political agenda.

This is becoming more obvious as we watch anti-Christian and anti-American teachers lead our children. If our schools are a war zone, then they probably should be protected by a detachment of professional guards, with reasonable guide lines, not an individual who may be detached.

(I pointed out that three Marines had joined the conversation).

Just so you know, AB, Dm and JH are fellow US Marines. This was not planned, it just worked out that way. I thought you brothers would like to know this.

MJG... Agreed. If its a government school then the government needs to protect the facility and those therein. To say that it costs too much is ridiculous because they could cut back on other activities in order to have available funds to keep children safe.

CC (the 4th Marine to join in). I will have to say that I do not agree with you on this one. People should not be allowed to carry assault weapons and a large amount of ammunition.

DLG... CC, that is fine. Now you and Joe Biden and Hussein agree. Unfortunately, you do not agree with the Constitution. I am not saying our streets should be like the wild west, I am saying that it is the right of the people to have weapons that are able to withstand a rogue government.

CC... We couldn't compete with the federal government. They have more than any citizen could ever have, even before the gun control laws. They could have lightsabers for all we know and they probably do.

DLG... This post did not address the question as to who has the greater number and most powerful weapons. This post is about the 2nd Amendment.

I have stated elsewhere that I don't believe America can be recovered with the sword of steel. However, the oppressive movement afoot right now is to disarm Americans. I am saying that it is unconstitutional to limit types and amounts of weapons. By the way, this makes it possible for other rogue groups to overthrow the present regime and install another dictatorship. I am not saying that the right to bear arms guarantees safety or freedom. I am saying that disarming the citizenry is an easy way to enslave the citizenry.

And as far as lightsabers are concerned, it does not matter if they have lightsabers and Yoda, it is still unconstitutional to disarm the people. The Constitution recognizes the right for the citizenry to defend itself, against all oppressors, foreign and domestic.

However, only a return to Christ will restore America's greatness. Don't trust in horses, chariots, assault weapons, F16s, lightsabers, Yoda or any other carnal weapon, real or otherwise. The arm of flesh will fail you.

(For those who might not know, CC is the fourth US Marine to join this conversation. Now, be nice).

CC... I'm just an old jar head, but I think the ban of assault weapons is a great idea, maybe the best one Obama has instated.

DLG... How old are you AB, DM, JH and CC?  This will demonstrate that the younger generation has been brainwashed by liberalism and Statism. I am not like CC; I do not think Hussein has a better idea than our founding fathers and the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.

CC...  I'm 33, but I still hate to see our children shot up as well as all of the abortions that are taking place in our nation.

DLG... Up to this point I am not aware of any abortions being performed with either an M16, an F16 or a Lightsaber16.
In a totally different discussion concerning abortion, I have posted...

Quote from DLG earlier post...
It would take 730 Newtown attacks, EVERY DAY FOR 40 YEARS, in order to kill as many children as have been killed with government approval since 1973. These 55.8 million+ unprotected, innocent and cognizant little preborns were killed by either
chopping them up,
sucking them apart (limb from limb),
poisoning or
burning them to death.

Partial birth abortion pulls the baby out by the legs, inserts scissor into the baby's skull, to pry it open and then the brain is sucked out, causing the skull to collapse.

For forty years, there have been hundreds more killed every day than than the tragic death toll of 9/11, which only happened one time. There are 22 times more babies murdered every day (constantly for 40 years running) than the 168 innocent people who died in the Oklahoma City bombing. So, drop the "even one life argument."

They ended their pregnancy by ending over 55.8 million innocent lives. And they did it by actions worthy of Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, Adolph Hitler and Margaret Sanger.

To those who murder innocent children in school, their actions make sense. To those who support the murder of over 55.8 million, their actions make sense. It sort of reminds me of heathen savages who have taken their unwanted children out in the jungle, buried them alive or left them to be devoured by the wild beasts.

It was a mother's choice I guess. As long as people live by the law of the jungle, they are going to act like wild beasts. As long has they think their convenience and comfort is more important than the life of a defenseless little baby, they will END THEIR PREGNANCY.

Fine, kill as often as you choose, but don't justify it with mindless arguments, because it makes you sound like the four historical monsters I mentioned earlier in this comment.

I really hate to break this to you, but you do not have autonomy over your own body. There are plenty of laws that defy such absurdity. What you are really saying is, "Women have the right to murder innocent babies, regardless of any circumstances." "Autonomy" is the excuse, and most of the time selfishness is the reason. Just be honest.

BUT, THIS POST IS ABOUT THE 2ND AMENDMENT, so back to Insane Hussein's attack on the American people.

CC, taking away our 2nd Amendment will not stop bad people from doing bad things. That is the Liberal viewpoint. CC, do you know about the Bath School Disaster? Did you ever hear of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center? Neither of these atrocities would have been prevented by taking away our 2nd Amendment rights.

AB... Hi David and support the United States Constitution...It is the best governing document ever created. When it comes to the bill of Rights I support them even more. James Madison said that such fears of federal oppression were overblown, in part because the new federal government was structured differently from European governments. But he also pointed out a decisive difference between America and Europe: the American people were armed and would therefore be almost impossible to subdue through military force, even if one assumed that the federal government would try to use an army to do so. Mason said that the 2nd amendment was instituted to keep the tyranny of Govt off the people. People can say that the purpose of the 2nd amendment is for a militia...but the next part says "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Just because the state controlled militia isn't around, doesn't mean the right to bear arms is taken away. The only way to get rid of this clause is through the amendment process. I don't believe this argument. The militia clause is just a description of why one would need to bear arms. Someone could have put...the need to hunt, the right of the people to keep..... The militia clause is a smoke screen. Now what is an assault weapon chris. Give me a pistol and 6 magazines and i'll do much more damage than the evil perpetuated on those young kids. Give me an 6 shot revolver with 7 speed loaders...and again I'll do more damage than he did. Here is the point.....less than 400 of the 13000 firearms murders were committed with rifles.... somewhere around 100 of those 13,000 murders were committed with "Assault Rifles". More people are killed with hands and feet than by "Assault rifles". So argument along with the Liberal argument about "Assault rifles" is just a smoke screen to start the snowball down the slippery slope. Don't fall for it...and i'm just a 44 yr old Marine David. President Obama's concern about "one" life is a joke. His policies allow for the murder of 350,000 babies a year here in the good old USA. David's main points up on top our correct and I agree.

DLG... AB, I counted you among the older ones because the real America started to disappear at an ever increasing rate in the late seventies and early eighties, so your age group actually saw the last days of America. BTW, this is not just my assessment.

DM and JH also are younger than I am, but they came along while America was still America. CC never saw America. Those ten years make a huge difference. CC came through the public school system during the late eighties and into the nineties. He was exposed to the brunt of liberal teaching, even in C-ville, Tn. This is why the youth of today, especially after the early nineties are confused about freedom and responsibility, socialism and capitalism. The public (State) school system has succeeded in misinforming and misleading them.

DLG... And let me add, the whole head and heart of America is sick, from churches to government to education. The churches have failed to hold the standard of Biblical responsibility and the principles of freedom and God given rights. As Isaiah said about a corrupted Israel in his day,

Isaiah 1:2-7
(2) Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.
(3) The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master's crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.
(4) Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward.
(5) Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.
(6) From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.
(7) Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

AB... Couldn't say it better. The terrible part David is people can look around them and see no freedom. I couldn't go pay cash for 10 acres of land in TN and live off the my own cabin....hunt, raise animals..etc. The county govt would tax me out of existence. Look at your pay stub....federal, state, local taxes. Then county land and home taxes... FICA, SSI, Sales tax.... Taxes on gas, electric, water, phone bills. You cannot get away from Govt, and people believe they are free. I'm just an income earner for the govt, and those in power who lack any imagination not to make money off the back of the people. We in essence are become serfs....a little at a time. thanks for the great post and the scripture David. The 2nd amendment will go along the way of the 1st amendment of Religion. God is our only hope.

JH... To Brother CC I would like to ask two questions.
1) what do you consider an assault weapons and a large amount of ammunition. and
2 ) What do you think the purpose of the 2nd Amendment is? 

Kept in mind Brother I love you as a Brother I'm just trying to understand what your saying.



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