Thursday, October 12, 2017



Be careful what you think I am saying here. Think it through. View it in the light of all my other declarations.

You can tell how Christian a society is by the way it responds to clear Christian issues.
So what that Bible reading and Prayer were ruled against by the US Supreme Court in 1962 and 1963?
So what that murder of preborn children was approved by the US Supreme Court in 1973?
So what that Sodomy and pornography and perversions of every kind have been given special protection under the law?
So what that Christianity and family values have been undermined in the government schools and the State has supported/promoted these anti-Christian beliefs and behavior?
So what that the US Military made it illegal to evangelize and obey God, or that they forbid the display of Christian message in the presence of Muslim people or that the US Military, with US Government approval has burned Bibles?

NO, those were not vital issues that raised a national outcry. It was when Bubba was told he could not kill Bambi or when John Q Public was told he could not carry an Uzzi to the 7/11. Now all we see and hear is 2nd Amendment outrage.

I support the right to bear arms, but I stood, stood, stood for Christian issues when Christian issues were not cool. I would be more impressed with the 2nd Amendment outrage if there had been a similar response to the real issues that made this country special and kept us free.

But here is my assessment. There will be no more action concerning the freedoms under attack today than there was in the past; just a lot more bravado and noise.

There, that ought to win me some friends.

Just today we were told that the Boy Scouts are going to remove the national restriction against homosexuals becoming members or holding leadership positions.

I guess we are not on the road to moral recovery. Political Correctness wants to label us as "homophobic" and intolerant, if we see homosexuality as a sin, and they want to call us religious right wingers if we accept the clear teaching of Scripture, which condemns the practice.

A basic study of the history and the culture of the homosexual lifestyle makes it clear that adults often recruit children. From ancient times it has always been the older men maneuvering or forcing young boys into the perversion. Now we are suppose to think that BSA will not present a greater threat to young boys than ever before.

I mention this because people tell me that our society is returning to the moral high ground. HA, it ain't hapn'n.


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