Saturday, October 14, 2017

03/26/13 THE MASK

03/26/13 THE MASK

Hypocrisy... Playacting... Role Playing... Putting on a Mask.

Sometimes the secret lives of people burst onto center stage unannounced and unexpected. The "normal" person, the "loving parent," the "responsible citizen," the "model child," the "friendly neighbor or co-worker," is publicly identified as a violent and perverted sociopath. Sometimes the "sincere Christian" is actually living a double life. No, I am not talking about the secret life of open and repulsive wickedness; I am talking about the life that is different from the life they appear to live in the church body.

Will the real "you" please stand up. We have all known these people. They put on a certain face for the people they want to impress. It seems to go well for a while, sometimes for a lifetime. But the person is always on stage, playing a part, a part with which they are not comfortable. At church gatherings they say the right words, act the right way, but they are really more comfortable with people who are less concerned about being conformed to the image of Jesus. They want to relax, be themselves, let their hair down, have a good time. As a result they enjoy the company of non Christians or at least people who are not part of their own church, more than are with those who are fully dedicated to Christ. When a loved one or fellow parishioner or even the pastor finally discovers the play acting of someone, they are shocked that they had been duped for so long.

But, don't get confused. The mask was what they wore for the church family, and shared their real self with others.

I can hear some folks now, saying that a person should not have to "pretend" to be a super saint in order to feel comfortable in the church. I AGREE. But, as long as a person refuses to surrender his entire self to God, he thinks he must project the image of a fully dedicated Christian to those who care the most about him. He is much more at home talking about politics, economics, music, sports, entertainment and issues of self promotion than he is talking about witnessing, discipleship, holiness, commitment, Biblical concepts, body life and ministry to the community. He does not try to conceal his un-Christlike attitudes, actions and attractions from his shallow friends. He does not realize that total surrender to Christ will deliver him from the pretense and the pressure of hypocrisy.

The answer to this problem is not more pretense, but total surrender. God will cleanse out all unrighteousness and fill with His Spirit. It is not a matter of reforming ourselves, but God transforming us, and conforming us to the image of His Son.

Fully dedicated Christians still care about politics, economics, music, sports, entertainment and personal issues. The difference is that they have their focus in the right place because they have the mind of Christ, and they are more at home in the rarefied realm of the Spirit than in the earthbound affairs of this worldly existence.

The person who plays the part is being robbed, is robbing his fellow believers and worst of all, is robbing his family, including his children, because they know when and where the mask goes on and off.


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