Though every child is born with a natural propensity to do the wrong thing... GOD HAS TAKEN STEPS TO SAVE THEM FROM THE FOLLY AND THE HORROR OF WRONG CHOICES.
You are part of that plan. Christ has included the pre-born, the new born and the infant in His atonement. As the Scripture says, "He is the Savior of all men..." However, it also says, "All have sinned," and, "The wages of sin is death." This is why the first passage goes on to say, "...especially those who believe." You must lead your children into a right relationship with Christ.
The children need to be led into a faith in Christ. Parents who are not willing to let God change them as parents, conform them to the image of Christ, purify them, sanctify their will, their words, and their ways are contributing to the ruin of their own children. Parents who are afflicting their children with relational upheaval and moral turmoil are driving them away from the God of love. As a parent, your first job is to show your children the love of God in action and to teach them the precepts of godliness. Every one of your harsh words, violent acts, selfish decisions is another poison arrow you drive into your children's hearts and minds.
Remember, children start out by wanting to be like mom and dad, because they are so innocent, loving and trusting. DON'T BETRAY THEM OR MISLEAD THEM. However, as they begin to realize that the parent is an evil abuser, the child begins to turn from the parent.
There is NO ROOM for parental arguing, division, name calling, venomous attacks, physical aggression. YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR OFFENDING PRECIOUS LITTLE CHILDREN.
There is NO ROOM for harshness, pride, anger, vindictiveness, bullying, bragging, crudeness. You are accountable for promoting these things in your child.
If your child ends up hating you, let it be in spite of the fact that you did the right thing in the spirit of love and self sacrifice, rather than be truly at fault.
You are part of that plan. Christ has included the pre-born, the new born and the infant in His atonement. As the Scripture says, "He is the Savior of all men..." However, it also says, "All have sinned," and, "The wages of sin is death." This is why the first passage goes on to say, "...especially those who believe." You must lead your children into a right relationship with Christ.
The children need to be led into a faith in Christ. Parents who are not willing to let God change them as parents, conform them to the image of Christ, purify them, sanctify their will, their words, and their ways are contributing to the ruin of their own children. Parents who are afflicting their children with relational upheaval and moral turmoil are driving them away from the God of love. As a parent, your first job is to show your children the love of God in action and to teach them the precepts of godliness. Every one of your harsh words, violent acts, selfish decisions is another poison arrow you drive into your children's hearts and minds.
Remember, children start out by wanting to be like mom and dad, because they are so innocent, loving and trusting. DON'T BETRAY THEM OR MISLEAD THEM. However, as they begin to realize that the parent is an evil abuser, the child begins to turn from the parent.
There is NO ROOM for parental arguing, division, name calling, venomous attacks, physical aggression. YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE FOR OFFENDING PRECIOUS LITTLE CHILDREN.
There is NO ROOM for harshness, pride, anger, vindictiveness, bullying, bragging, crudeness. You are accountable for promoting these things in your child.
If your child ends up hating you, let it be in spite of the fact that you did the right thing in the spirit of love and self sacrifice, rather than be truly at fault.