Friday, November 24, 2017



The less familiar people have become, concerning Biblical truth and American freedom, the further and faster they move away from them. Finding people with a knowledge of the American way of life is difficult. This is because the American way of life was related to Biblical truth. Finding people with a knowledge of Biblical truth is approaching impossible. America and all the kingdoms of this world will pass away, but the Kingdom of God is forever.

God created us to live in His presence and in holiness of heart and life. Our sin has locked us out of His presence and holiness of heart and life. Through the atoning work of Christ, God offers the key for readmission into His presence and holiness of heart and life. (The key is faith in Christ, not to be confused with presumption). The refusal to use this key or the attempt to use another key, keeps us out of His presence and holiness of heart and life.

Over the years the revelation of God has been perceived and presented as (in this order)...
The Commands of God,

The Suggestions of God,
The Helpful Hints of God,
The Opinions of God,
The Outmoded Ideas of an Antiquated god,
The Rantings of a Senile god,
The Rules of Men Falsely Claiming Divine Inspiration.

I hold the position, "God Said It and That Settles It."

This is really why I don't fit into our society; I am in group #1 and most other people are in group #2.

I am not saying we are saved by keeping God's commands, I am saying that He, as Sovereign, commands us and until we take His commands seriously as authoritative, we will never enter fully into a right relationship with God.


12/31/13 A CONSIDERATION AND A CHALLENGE FOR THE NEW YEAR. Consideration... If a coach told his team everyday that they could not win their...