It is soooo verrrry difficult for a person to see the flaws in the people they love. Little children still see the knight in shining armor, regardless what dad does. Parents see little angels, even when the child is an adult, acting like a demon. Sports fans overlook the foibles and crimes of their favorite players.
AND the politically oriented refuse to accept the contradictions in their favorite political leaders. I am not talking about the Christian grace that forgives moral failure. I am talking about such unswerving dedication that no matter what the political leader does, no matter what he says, he is always viewed as a Messiah.
Such blind loyalty has always been dangerous, but when the lies are covered by telling more lies then the danger intensifies. Whatever a person's political platform, there is no room for a man who lies so constantly, consistently, and openly as we see in BHO. To tell us lies, then lie about his lies indicates how gullible he believes Americans to be.
OK, if you want to have a different political point of view, fine, but at least hold your leaders accountable for their lies, regardless their party. Because, if you don't, you are sealing your own doom as well as the rest of the country by your blind allegiance.
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