Friday, October 13, 2017



Here is another treasure that is discovered by faith; God designs and enables man to make free will choices, resulting in eternal life. As long as we live under our own lordship we are slaves of an evil inclination, headed for eternal torment. When we yield to the Lordship of Christ, we are made more than conquerors over every enemy of our eternal souls.

God knows everything about everything all the time, but that does not mean God decides everything about everything all the time, though He does have the final say and judgment about everything.

Here is the treasure.
Since God knows the end from the beginning, He provides and reveals the way for us to avoid eternal loss and reach eternal bliss. Therefore it is wise to trust His leading, follow His instruction and obey His will.

Before we accept Christ into our lives, we are held captive in the dark dungeon of disobedience, by the chains of doubt and denial. For those who trust Christ to save them, God breaks the chains and delivers them from sin, shame and separation.

After a person believes on Christ to save him from sin, God empowers and leads that person away from the pits of corruption and the precipice of destruction. God enables and allows the person to make a free choice; to either submit to God's light of salvation, or be held in the night of sin.

God does not want anyone to sin, God does not want anyone to be separated from Him for eternity, therefore He has provided a way of escape from judgment and a way of living free from sin.

It is not reasonable for anyone to ignore God's revelation and His directions. It is not reasonable for anyone to resist God's grace and disobey His will. Why would a blind man ignore or reject the offer of a friend to enable and guide him past the dangers of a hostile trail?

Isaiah 1:18-20
(18) Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
(19) If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:
(20) But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.

The reason I call this a TREASURE is because it is a Biblical truth that is rarely taught today. Sinning religion has not only spread throughout the world, it has infiltrated organizations, denominations, local ministries and individuals that have historical connections to the sound doctrines of free will (God enabled ability to choose freely) and free grace (God's mercy offered freely to all who choose to call on the name of the Lord).


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