Saturday, October 14, 2017

03/30/13 NOT JUST A BOOK

03/30/13 NOT JUST A BOOK

I am sure you remember my words of warning, concerning the History Channel's presentation of supposed Christian and Biblical programming, which actually attacks Bible believing Christianity. Today, as is often the case with this and other (educational and learning) channels, they aired two programs that are fundamentally antagonistic to Biblical and Christian history, scholarship and faith.

The two programs today are titled, "Banned From the Bible," and
"Banned From the Bible II."
The info blurbs say,
"Books omitted from the New Testament" and
"Scriptural scholars and archaeologists spotlight books omitted from the New Testament through decisions of theologians and political leaders in antiquity."
They also label these programs as, "History/Inspirational."

WRONG. The programs are written and presented by those with an agenda to discredit the Bible. They do not tell the whole truth, they skew much of what they do say and they lie about other things. There are equally lettered scholars who totally debunk these presentations.

Here is the problem.
Though the series, "The Bible" has been fairly close to the actual Biblical record, a great number of people will give the same kind of credibility to these other programs, which are designed to undermine Biblical faith. Unsuspecting viewers will not realize that there is a "bait and switch" taking place.

A person can believe what he wants to believe about the Bible. However, the public is being misled to believe that the presentation is honest and accurate. If a person wants to disbelieve the Bible, they should at least be given the facts, rather than misled by misrepresentation.

The Bible series was planned around the Resurrections season. Many people have enjoyed it and learned from it. It is no spiritual accident that this attack on Biblical authority is presented at the same time.

Whether or not a person agrees with original and historic Christianity, we find that the Biblical record of Christ and the teachings of the apostles and profession of the early Church, assert that early Christianity believed the Old Testament to be the accurate and authentic revelation of God and recognized the present writings of the New Testament to be the revelation of God to the New Testament apostles and prophets.

While there are other books that either existed concurrently with Bible books or were written later, they fail to meet (both internally and externally) the criteria for genuine and authentic Jewish or Christian Scripture. Some of those extra-Biblical books are recognized as valuable historical records, while some have always been recognized as having no value or substance, either historically or theologically.

The quick, easy assertions of those who want to assail the Christian Bible (Old and New Testaments), and the arguments for the closed canonical system of those who historically and presently hold to inerrant, infallible Divine revelation of the Bible, are much too involved and complicated than a post or comment in Facebook can adequately present. Simply stated, if a person is going to dismiss the arguments or position of those who hold to the absolute authority and Divine origin of the Bible, then they should at least hear why we believe the Bible.

The Biblical Canon was not the decision of Theologians or Politicians. If you reject the authority of the Bible, make sure you have been intellectually honest in your assessment.


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