Saturday, October 14, 2017


(then you can hate me)...

The Left is big on promoting the "collective" concept (subjection to the State; supposedly for the greater good).
It also rejects the fact of American exceptionalism (the fact that America has risen to greater heights than any country in history, because of its Christian foundation).

This is why the Left promotes such notions as, "It Takes A Village To Raise A Child," and they extol primitive, non-Christian cultures (such as animistic Nigeria) as a model for American change.

In my following comment, I tell you what the Left, the so-called Liberal promoters of collectivism (as seen in communist China, Cuba and USSR) did not tell you; I tell you what the promoters of primitive, anti-Christian cultures NEVER TELL YOU.


Pagan, Traditional Marriage...
The popular leftist mantra, "It takes a (whole) village to raise a child," actually comes from tribal traditions of animistic Nigeria. While this concept serves the notion of Collectivism, it is one of many tribal traditions that come from the heathen practices of spirit worshipers in Africa. Here are a few more, which the Left will not tell you.

Do not stop before you read the entire list.

Nigerian males oppressively dominate wives (hyper Patriarchal system).
Nigerian wives have little influence on the husband, and actually are expected to be subservient and obedient in everything.
Nigerian husbands and wives live in separate houses.
Nigerian husbands may be polygamous.
Nigerian husbands/fathers live in the large house and the individual wives live in smaller houses with their children.
Nigerian husbands provide little for their wives and children, instead the wives provide for themselves and their own children, and they provide for the husband's meals, when he eats with them.
Nigerian husbands have legal right to beat their wives, provided they do no permanent injury .
Nigerian wives are little more than property.
Nigerian marriage is more of a social contract than a relationship based on love and commitment.
Nigerian divorce is common.
Nigerian wives, in polygamous marriages, take care of own children. (so much for a village raising the child)
Nigerian women have legal rights to an inheritance, but usually get nothing. This keeps females dependent on men.
Nigerian men inherit the surviving wives of deceased brothers.
Nigerian scarification and mutilation of children is practiced, as a rite of passage and as a superstitious form of healing. Too brutal to describe here.
Nigerian young men suffer physical abuse as they move into manhood or marriage, sometimes resulting in death.
Nigerians flush dead bodies of loved ones with water, as a form of cleansing, and them drink the water.
Nigerian females of various ages (usually girls) are savagely mutilated, butchered in ceremonial circumcision. This "tradition," which is practiced in other African nations, is so horrific that I will not describe it. However, there are websites that show them being butchered for life. This is not for children.
Nigerian males and females sometimes die because of these traditions.

Don't laud the ways of African tradition without telling the whole truth. It has been Christianity that has gone in and saved people from these heathen and hellish practices all over the world. The Left offers the icing on the cake, not telling you that the cake is cyanide.

By the way, this entire list is only a partial list of the horrors of societies without Christ.

For my "Liberal," Leftist friends who think you have an argument against Christianity along these lines, let's talk. But, you might want to study Biblical Christianity before you take this step. You may think you see flaws in Biblical Christianity, but I will show you where you are in error.

Please read next comment for the Christian response to pagan traditions.

Bible Christianity Instead of Pagan Traditionalism...

The Christian Home...
God established the home with the man as the head of the family, not as the ogre of the family or the oppressor of the family. Headship does not mean selfish domination.
God established the home with the woman to be the "help meet," the man's counterpart, the man's partner, the man's co-worker.
God requires that a man love his wife as Christ loves the Church and that the wife obey her husband as the Church obeys Christ. The Christian husband will always want the best for his wife and the Christian wife will not be in competition with her husband.
God established marriage as one man for one woman for one lifetime. God forbids polygamy. God forbids infidelity.
God makes a husband and wife into one flesh. The man lives for, provides for and sacrifices for his wife. The wife supports, encourages and assists her husband.
God does not allow spousal violence. In fact, God requires husbands to show honor to their wives and wives to show honor to their husbands. Christian grace precludes abuse and neglect.
God has made the wife to be one with her husband, not a property of her husband.
God has established marriage as a spiritual, emotional, relational, missional union, not simply a contract or convenience.
God secures and protects marriage by forbidding divorce except for adultery. Both the husband and wife are protected by God's rule.
God has made the husband and wife co-workers in raising the children. Father's are bread winners and protectors, and mothers are caregivers and developers of character. Husband and wife have authority over children.
God has given husband and wife one purse, from which to meet family needs. Christian husbands and wives are not selfish, but they care more for each other than themselves, therefore the provide for the other's needs and desires, when possible.
God forbids mutilation, marking of the body, self abuse and abuse of another person's body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and also belongs to the spouse. Christians honor the body as a sacred gift and honor their marital bond as a sacred relationship.
God forbids polluting the body with uncleanness, idolatrous practices and drugs.
God ordained sexual pleasure for husbands and wives. God condemns the butchering of men and women.

God, Biblical standards, Christian marriage, the gospel message and salvation through Christ are the best things that ever happened to any man, woman, boy, girl, community, society, nation. Biblical Christianity has delivered unknown numbers from futile and hostile lives and marriages.


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