Sunday, October 15, 2017

05/29/13 Conspiracy Theory... Sure... But Who Is Conspiring?

05/29/13 Conspiracy Theory... Sure... But Who Is Conspiring?

If you trust government to always tell the truth, you will not be interested in this post. If you think that government run health programs are there for your good... well, you get the idea.

While in the UK, Lydia became very (very) sick, with chills, fever, extreme achiness. We went to the State provided doctor (as in socialized medicine), like Obama Care(less). While I was in the waiting room I kept seeing ad after ad claiming there is no need for antibiotics. (yes I know about the problem of over use, but pay attention people). At the same time the doctor was telling Lydia that they basically would not do anything for her until it was like an epidemic. REALLY, THIS IS WHAT SHE WAS TOLD.


There is a rising number of people around the world being afflicted with a flu like sickness that defies previous models. Lydia, Mark and I came down with symptoms very similar to these while we were in the UK. Upon our return we have read about people in Alabama (who have not traveled abroad) coming down with similar symptoms. People have been dying in the States, Europe and the mid-east with these same symptoms. I am not saying our is the same, I am saying it makes me wonder.

Do you really think that the State Health program of the UK is going to be open and honest about some mid-east sickness? Wouldn't that mean stopping travel between Muslim countries and the UK? Do you really think that would not raise the tensions with Muslim people? It is already a tinderbox.

God helped Lydia get past here troubles abroad, but she had a relapse when she got home and had to go on steroids and antibiotics, as I did. If you live in the States, you may not know how Orwellian Europe is. If you live in Europe, you may not realize you have been conditioned to Orwellian control.

So, what is my point? The Bible foretells this kind of society. SO WHAT? The "so what" is, the Bible is right. Since the Bible has always been right about the future state of the world, then it would be wise for people to submit to the God of the Bible, because He knows the future and He has provided only one sure way of escape from coming eternal disaster. Jesus is the answer. Now is the time to look unto Jesus. Don't trust in horses or chariots (the power of the State), trust only in the God of the Holy Bible.


12/31/13 A CONSIDERATION AND A CHALLENGE FOR THE NEW YEAR. Consideration... If a coach told his team everyday that they could not win their...