Tuesday, October 17, 2017



It is confusing because it is double speak.

People agree that something should be done for the downtrodden, the poor, the oppressed, the sick, the uneducated, unwanted pregnancies, unwanted babies, victims of prejudice, those who are held captive by destructive drives and desires, and a host of other human problems.

However, there are some Divine requirements found in the Bible, which must not be violated, even when seeking the betterment of mankind. Whenever any political or social entity violates God's revelation, supposedly seeking to address social ills, it is the same as when Eve fell for the lie Satan told her in the Garden.

This is why my allegiance is not with any political party or social action group. Those who support party platforms and social actions, which violate Biblical standards, are either deceived by Satan (as was Eve in the Garden) or they are willfully complicit with spiritual anarchy and are attempting to overthrow the rule of God. Call it progressive, liberal, humanitarian, equality, political correctness, or whatever euphemism you choose but it is still repugnant to God if it violates His revelation.

When wickedness is done in the name of good, it is even more diabolically evil.

One thing that prompted this post is the report I heard this morning, concerning the need for government enforced health and safety requirements for abortion facilities... You know, those places where babies are suffocated, beheaded, scalded to death, sucked apart by high powered vacuum machines and chopped into little pieces, in the name of women's rights.

The man with the coat hanger is still running around, but now he is government approved and has the protection of a wicked system behind him.

OH, and speaking of double speak, don't forget that the "Roe," in Roe v. Wade, claimed she was raped (she was not); had already birthed two children when her attorneys sought the abortion of the child in question; she was a practicing bisexual at the time of the case; the child at the center of the case was not aborted and was actually born; "Roe" became an opponent to abortion. In other words, the whole case was based on lies and contradictions, but the spin was the important thing.

If anyone thinks that there are no horror stories in the act of abortacide (murder of the pre-born) today, then he/she is sadly mistaken. I am not taking time to address this side of the sham. Simply stated, mothers die, are mutilated, suffer physical and emotional scars, lose ability to have any other children. And don't forget the victimized children. Some of them live through the horror and suffer physical handicaps for a lifetime. Some of these "safe" abortions are botched and the child is actually born alive and then killed on the operating table by theses government agents, with government funding and government protection. Sometimes the live birth child is left to die, in a hospital room, but receiving no medical help as they lay helpless within earshot of unconcerned hospital staff. Then, the remains of these children have been put in garbage bags and thrown into the dumpster.

Young girls (as young as 12 years old, or younger) are counseled by abortion advocates in the public schools to have the "proceedure" without fear of their parents finding out. These children who are having babies are then taken from the public school, for someone to kill her baby, without spiritual counsel, leaving her to carry the guilt and scar, without the support of family or church.

ANYWAY, the story goes on. But, at least there are health and safety codes in these chambers of horror today. The clothes hanger man lives, and he likes to kill little babies.

This is what Obama and the progressives, the liberals, the "right to choose" crowd is pushing for and wanting EVERYONE to pay for it. To pay for their bed hopping, child raping, money making, right to murder the unborn.


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