Wednesday, October 18, 2017



The only unconditional commitments that Christians have the right to make are the commitments that God approves, such as commitment to God and spouse, parents and children. Otherwise we are in violation of Divine order. This is why it is essential to know God's point of view concerning honesty, vows, allegiance, promises, pledges and levels of commitment. Without elaborating, let me at least mention a couple of areas of concern.

Even the most revered commitments are unconditional only in principle, but they are limited to Biblical guidelines.

Commitments Concerning Our Words and Our Actions...

Vows, promises, allegiances and pledges are commitments to performance. While it is proper to commit ourselves to Biblical authority, we should not make unreserved or unqualified commitments to earthly purposes, whether commitments to individuals, organizations, principles or governments.

The Bible tells us not to make promises concerning our testimony, since a promise indicates a higher level of honesty (Mt. 5:17; Ja. 5:12), or concerning our future behavior, since we cannot guarantee the circumstances of our future (Ja. 4:13-15).

Christians cannot have unconditional, unreserved, unqualified commitments to the purposes and plans of men, regardless of how noble those plans seem to be.

Total and exclusive commitment should only be given to God and His will. We must not take the idea of loyalty lightly. We can only have one Lord. We can only have one ultimate purpose. A divided loyalty is a disloyalty.



By the way, there are conditions in a husband/wife relationship, but they are Biblical conditions as opposed to man made conditions. However, the relationship between a husband and wife is separate from all other relationships. Remember, God likened the husband/wife relationship to the Christ/Church relationship. God is the one who established the marriage relationship between one man and one woman. God also set unchangeable guidelines for a successful marriage. The family unit is the invention of God and is ordained by God. It is special above all other human relationships, and requires a higher commitment than any other human relationship.

In line with the husband/wife relationship is the parent/child relationship. In the Ten Commandments that God gave to Israel, God said to honor our mother and our father, that our days may be long upon the earth. Among human relationships, family requires the greatest commitment.

Since the Church is a spiritual as well as a physical entity, it has a special place in God's plan and His requirement for commitment. God is the head of the Church and the believing members are the body of Christ. God expects believers to make and maintain deep and vital commitments with the Church.

I WAS ASKED... how would you say this affects our saying the pledge of allegiance in church? Is saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag an unconditional commitment to all of the policies of that nation?

DLG response...
Thank you. As you know, there are pledges of allegiance to the Christian flag, the Bible and I am sure there must be other pledges as well.

This is a great question. Allow me to do more than give a simple, short answer, because this is a very important question. I will be as succinct as I can be. This ought to win me some friends (not). I hope folks will not reject my position without considering what I say.

The obvious answer is that the PoA (to the US flag and Republic) is not required. After all, not everyone is a citizen of the USA. But there are several vital issues to consider.

A Pledge, in the truest sense is a promise. In fact, it is a legal commitment. People have been taken to court to fulfill pledges made to churches, and have been forced to pay. In other words, a Pledge is a binding promise, it is not simply a "nice sentiment of patriotism." The Pledge of Allegiance is is a solemn promise of loyalty. This in itself is in conflict with the passages I mentioned above. But even if a person does not see a conflict with Scripture, is it really appropriate to have children promise loyalty to something they do not even understand? But of course, the Scripture forbids such commitments anyway.

The fact is, a pledge of loyalty to the State may prove to be in conflict with a Christians commitment to God and the Christian faith.
Are we to believe that the flag and our Republic actually represents Christian faith, doctrine and practice? Even if a person pledges his total loyalty to a nation today (provided it is not hostile to the Christian message), but will that nation still be agreeable to Biblical faith tomorrow?

And, don't forget, it is a pledge of "allegiance," total loyalty or the obligation of total loyalty. I don't know any entity that has the right to expect that from a Christian. I don't know any entity to which a Christian would pledge total loyalty. In fact, the word allegiance comes from the old French word that means lord or master. The Pledge of Allegiance is total commitment to the State as lord and master.

Remember too, the PoA was not part of the founding of our country. In fact, it was actually written by a "Progressive," a person who was a SOCIALIST. The author of the PoA was a Liberal minister, who lost his ministry, because he was a Socialist. Remember, Christian Socialism (form of Marxism) has been a political position held by such people as Hugo Chavez (Venezuela), Rafael Correa (Ecuador), Carlos Mauricio Funes Cartagena (El Salvador).

It would be a good idea for Christians to see the origin of the PoA. It was actually tied to promoting public school and selling flags. I know, that is hard to believe. It is also true that the salute use to be the same salute as the German salute to Hitler. And, the idea of God was not part of the PoA from the time it was written, in 1892, until 1954.

So, the PoA is not part of our nations founding, and it has gone through various changes. It was written by a Socialist, who was influential in the thoughts of John Dewey, another American Socialist and Father of American Education, with ties to Charles Darwin and ultimately Margaret Sanger. I know this sounds crazy, but do the research.

I believe in a Christian being a good citizen of his country, but a Christian has a commitment above and beyond any earthly governments. I can be a good citizen but I will put Biblical, Christian principles ahead of the State. This is what the Bible teaches.

I have just barely touched on this. I hope people will ask me questions before they cut me off.

I have not even mentioned the atrocities done in the name of our flag and the USA. I love my country, but I am committed to Christ as my only Lord. Christians should never divide their loyalties between God and State. The State is usually a wannabe god. History teaches this.

Oh well. I might lose friends over this. I hope not.

Since I skimmed over this quickly, I realize there are gaping holes in my presentation. My position is much better thought through than the short statement above.

By the way, I agree that Christians must not become entangled in a total commitment to the State (as articulated in the PoA), but rather should be ready to stand in opposition to the State when it is violating the word of God. While we are not here to establish a Theocracy, neither are we here to establish a kingdom that is in conflict with the word of God. The State does not need men and women (boys and girls) who promise total loyalty, it needs Christians who will stand against its sins, and lead people in the way of righteousness.

Also, a Christian might be a citizen of a given country, but if he is going to take Christ to the world, he must be a citizen of heaven before he is a citizen of any nation. Christians need to fly the banner of Christ for all nations, rather than cut off the world because of political ties. I am an American. I am glad to be an American. I believe this is the greatest country in the history of the world. But my message of Christ should never be compromised because of nationalism. As a Christian, I must never let my national affiliation obscure the message of the gospel. I should be able to be as committed as a Christian, regardless of where I live and regardless of my nation of birth or citizenship.

This is not intended to sound "preachy," but this format constrains my presentation.

Four More Thoughts...
Double Standards
Controlling the Future
Early Christians Refused Loyalty Pledges
Should Christians Pledge Allegiance to Any Other Country

Concerning honesty and a double standard
In the USA, Christians are not required to swear or take an oath, even when giving legal testimony, or signing legal documents, including application for a US passport (which is the closest thing we have to an official loyalty oath). I know, because I have refused to take oaths in court and when signing legal documents and when applying for my passport. The US government accepts that Christians refuse to take oaths because oaths imply a double standard of honesty. If Christians are not required to take oaths or pledges for official and legal purposes, then why do we expect children to take a loyalty pledge because it is the socially accepted thing to do? Our children should be taught that we do not take oaths or make loyalty pledges to worldly powers.

Inability To Control The Future...
James warned Christians against stating what they would do in the future (as, go to a certain city, engage in business and make a profit), since no one can say what the conditions will be in the future. If we can not control our own destinies, how much less can we control the destinies, decisions and directions of nations, therefore we should not commit to an uncontrolled and uncontrollable nation. We certainly should not pledge our allegiance, fidelity to an unknown future. And, the fact is, we know the direction and decisions that this country is now taking. There is no way a Christian can thoughtfully pledge loyalty to support the wickedness that this country is protecting and promoting.

Early Christians Refused Loyalty Pledges...
In the early days of the Church, It was not unusual, when Romans entered conquered cities, to require the leaders of the community to recognize the supreme authority of Caesar by pledging allegiance to Caesar as god. In making this pledge, the people could continue as before, including religious groups. The pagan religions submitted to Caesar's claim to divinity and divine authority, but Jews and Christians refused and therefore were set apart for persecution. My point is, Christians have refused to pledge total submission to nations, even when it meant persecution. How odd that Christians were so easily convinced to require their own children to pledge allegiance to a nation (not even the constitution); a pledge which was written by a Socialist and anti Bible activist.

Should Christians Pledge Allegiance to Any Other Country...
If a Christian is a citizen of Russia or Iran or China or North Korea, should he/she pledge his loyalty to that nation? Should children be expected/required to pledge their loyalty to those nations? Remember, the Bible does not require pledges of loyalty in order for Christians to render to Caesar that which is Caesar's. In fact, when we render to God that which is God's, we will not render to Caesar a promise of loyalty, regardless of who Caesar is.


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