Thursday, October 19, 2017

08/14/13 The Ten Most Oppressive Countries in the World

08/14/13 The Ten Most Oppressive Countries in the World
(This particular study seems to be based on oppressive leaders).

DANGER marked my previous list, of places I don't want to live.
OPPRESSION (oppressive leaders) is the name of this list of places I would not like to live.

1- Zimbabwe... Robert Mugabe (Roman Catholic)
2- Sudan... Omar Al-Bashir (Muslim)
3- North Korea... Kim Jong-Il (Juche, Personality Cult, worship of man, esp. Kim Jong-Il)
4- Burma... Than Shwe (Buddhist)
5- Saudi Arabia... King Abdulah (Muslim)
6- China... Hu Jintao (Atheist, Communist)
7- Iran... Sayyid Ali Khamenei (Islam)
8- Eritrea... Isaias Afwerki (Marxism)
9- Turkmenistan... Berdymukhammedov (Muslim)
10 - Libya... Muammar Al-Gaddafi (Muslim)

BTW, there are various groups that do these lists, but they are all very, very similar (most of them are the same). While some people would list certain people because of political leanings, remember, these lists are determined by objective, not subjective, criteria.

While I do not like some of the things that George W. Bush did, there is no way he should be in this group, just because you don't like him. After all, I would not put Obama in here, and I don't hardly like anything he has done

The point of these lists is to show that undesirable places have commonality among them. It is not an accident.


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