The first few years of a child's life is his/her most impressionable years, most formative years. DO IT RIGHT, because there are no do-overs, no second chances; no shoulda, coulda, woulda opportunities. You mess up now, they pay for it now and later.
DO NOT MISTREAT THEM IN ANY WAY; physically, emotionally, verbally, socially or spiritually. Treat them with the same love God has for you.
Being a parent is something you are, parenting is something you do; 24/7 all year long, for as long as it takes. You do not get vacation from parenting, time off for parenting, promotion for parenting. But a true parent does not look for those things. PERIOD.
Parenting is not something extra you do, it is basic. It is not something that you should brag about, since it is your duty. It is not something you should seek sympathy for, because it is your adult responsibility.
"I AM SORRY" does not pay the bill for venomous attacks, abusive words and treatment, negative and violent displays, selfish and prideful attitudes, disrespect for other people, self assertion and the ridiculing of others.
Usually, "I am sorry" is just a testimony, not a confession, not repentance.
To raise your child in a hell hole of turmoil is preparing them for a life of misery and an eternity of suffering.
Remember, they belong to God and they are only on loan to you for a short time. They are not toys or medals, they are eternal souls, needing Christian guidance. God holds us accountable for what we do with our children.
Remember too, failing your children might end up being a REGRET for you, but it will probably end up being a TRAGEDY for them, forever.
Life is not an "amusement park" or a "fun day out." Life is the testing and training ground for eternity. Raising children is an opportunity, a blessing, a privilege. Not just the "fun" parts, but the troubles and trials also.
Complaining about your responsibilities and your difficulties does not tell us about your hardship, it tells us about your hard heart and hard hardheadedness.
Being a Christian parent does not allow for whining. You ain't got it tough enough to mullygrub, so QYB or kwitcherbelliakin. Grow up.
God did not give you children to be raised in your image, but to be conformed to His image. If you instill negativity today, you will reap bullying and obnoxiousness tomorrow.
I speak up for your children, because they cannot speak up for themselves. Sadly, most people will not listen to me anymore than the will to helpless, precious, dependent little children... or anymore than they will listen and yield to the Sovereign, Just, vindicator of the innocent. My heart breaks for the poor little prisoners of anger, selfishness, perversion.
I have tons more stuff to say, but let this suffice for the moment.
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