Wednesday, October 11, 2017



Poor misinformed Saudi Arabians, Iranians, Sudanese, Pakistanis, Tunisians, Somalis, Algerians, Libyans, Afghans, Syrians and other Islamic States. They don't know they are RADICAL ISLAMISTS. They think they are the real deal Islamic world, just because they follow
the Koran,
the traditions of Islam,
the history of Islam,
the beliefs of Islam and
the religious leaders of Islam.

Too bad they are not as well informed as westerners.
We know that REAL Islam is loving and tolerant, has always been loving and tolerant.
We know that REAL Islam was not born in violence, propagated in violence and sustained by violence.
We know that REAL Islam does not hate Judaism or Christianity.
We know that REAL Islam does not oppress women or kill people for leaving Islam.
We know that the western nations of the world are always made more peaceful, safe and free when Islamic faith takes hold in their societies.

If those poor, misinformed, misled, ignorant Islamists want to know the truth about their religion, they should ask liberal westerners, because they know everything, and they never lie.

There are people who have been brought up in the Muslim culture, who are "loving" parents and "peaceful" citizens. But they are not committed to the religion of Islam. They are cultural Muslims, who might even leave Islam, but they face the penalty of death, either by an Islamist regime or by a dedicated Muslim practitioner.

This is the point of this post. We cannot rightly judge Islam by those who live in the west, those who are acculturated to western and Christian ideals, those who are not dedicated to ancient Islam. Islam is properly understood in its founders, writings, history, traditions, religious leaders and the nations that are built upon fundamental Islam. How provincial and conceited for westerners to define Islam by those who are not practicing Muslims and to tell the Islamic States that they have misinterpreted their own religion.

The "moderate" form of Islam is not Islam. But it wiggles its way into free societies until it has the upper hand, and then it is too late for a free people to stop the rise of true Islam.

Westerners are so blind and gullible. Otherwise America would not have ended up with Obama, twice.

Here is part of the reason for the West's infatuation and intrigue with Islam. Non Christian westerners hate Biblical and historic Christianity so much they are willing to go into league with the avowed enemies of Christianity. However, they are shortsighted, not realizing that such an alliance will be the death knell for them as well. After they loose the vicious attack dog on anything Christian-like, it will turn on them and devour them, palms and soles.


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