Friday, October 13, 2017

03/08/13 IT AIN'T POLITICAL...

03/08/13 IT AIN'T POLITICAL...

My censure of actions and principles in the Obama administration are not politically motivated, they are based on my commitment to Biblical principles.

I have done the same thing from the time of JFK.
I was opposed to Johnson's socialism and welfare expansion.
Carter's anti-Israel actions.
I cried out during the Reagan years that there was an ever increasing war on the evangelical churches and individuals (seen in the number of legal actions taken against Bible believers).
George H. W. Bush promoted a New World Order (predecessor to the Biblical One World Government, One World Economy and One World Religion) and he promoted the Palestinian cause, undermining Israel.
Clinton was a liar, philanderer and soft on Islamic terrorists.
George W. Bush promoted a Palestinian State (which is an enemy of Israel).

As it turns out, Obama takes political corruption and dark agenda to a different level. But remember, Hussein told us from the beginning that he was going to fundamentally change America. And he is.

My allegiance is to the King of kings, not the kingdoms of this world.


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