Friday, October 13, 2017



Think about it, Noah had 120 years, in which he preached righteousness to a lost world, but the only people he was able to convince to get on board with his message of deliverance were his wife, his three sons and their three wives. We know what happened to those who did not accept his message. So, did you ever wonder why Noah did not do more to convert the lost of his day?

ME EITHER. What has amazed me is that the people neglected and rejected his message? It was not his failure to do his part that caused millions of people to die under God's judgment, it was their own love of sin.

Consider these scenarios.

Maybe some people thought it would be wise to prepare, just in case Noah might be right.

So, some of them built tall towers, which they hoped would be high enough to save them from the threat of any potential "rising water."

Maybe others opened swimming schools, teaching people how to tread water, how to float and how to swim.

Maybe some built small boats, and survival equipment, such as bailing devices, cockpit covers and life jackets.

Maybe others led groups of people to higher ground or farther inland, to establish survival communities in the mountains and deserts.

Now, let me ask you a question. If any such futile, self saving projects were being offered as a way to escape the coming world flood, do you think Noah would have ignored the claims of the false deliverers or do you think he would have warned the masses to turn from the Merchants of Misinformation and to trust God instead.

Maybe others were saying that personal improvement through moral reformation would avert the judgment of God.

Would Noah have silently let such misinformation and false teaching go unchallenged?

Of course not. Noah would have warned his family, friends, neighbors and anyone else he could reach, that any attempt at self saving was a fool's errand and a sure way to destruction.

Do you really think that Noah would have been praised, and embraced for pointing out the futility, the sure destruction of listening to men who offered a plan of deliverance, contrary to the revelation of God. NO, it is obvious that others would have thought of Noah as a narrow minded, intolerant, judgmental fanatic.

Though I want to see the masses come to Christ, there are times I would be overjoyed and feel successful just to see all of my own family surrendered to Christ. I continue to minister in every way that God leads, but I am not responsible for other people choosing sin, shame and separation from God.


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