Sunday, October 15, 2017



I have copied a news article and pasted in this post.

This is coming to America. As I was told in England, "Everyone gets along."
This is the kind of "getting along" that comes with denying Christ as Lord.
This is the kind of "getting along" that comes with loss of freedom of being a Christian.
This is the kind of "getting along" that comes with the loss of freedom of speech.

There are those who speak against Islam because of hate, however, the State will label all speech against the evils of Islam as hate speech. Actually, our neighbors to the north, Canada, have already made it illegal to preach the Bible, under threat and penalty of "hate speech."

My objective has never been to speak against Islam because of hatred for Muslim people. I speak against the lies of Islam, just like I speak against the lies of Catholicism and all other false prophets.

If you don't use your right to free speech, you will lose it. If you don't speak in love, you ought to lose it.

In Britain, Police Arrest Twitter And Facebook Users If They Make Anti-Muslim Statements
By Jim Edwards | Business Insider – 9 hours ago

Dafne Cholet/Flickr
British police are arresting people in the middle of the night if they have made racist or anti-Muslim comments on Twitter following the murder of a soldier by two Muslims in Woolwich, London.

Three men have so far been taken into custody for using Twitter and Facebook to criticize Muslims.

In the Woolwich attack, Lee Rigby, a drummer in the Royal Regiment of Fusliers, was run down in a car and then hacked and stabbed to death by two men with knives and a cleaver. They told a man video recording the scene that it was vengeance for the killings of Muslims by the British Army.

One man has been charged with "malicious communications" on Facebook, the Daily Mail reports.

Two others have been arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. The police are now arresting people based on mere speech in social media, a detective said in a statement to the press:
'The men were arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. Our inquiries into these comments continue.

'These comments were directed against a section of our community. Comments such as these are completely unacceptable and only cause more harm to our community in Bristol.
'People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious.'

The arrests come at the behest of British Muslims, who fear a backlash against them following the death of Rigby, The New York Times says:
The police and Muslim groups have said that there have been anti-Muslim episodes in many parts of the country, the most common involving derogatory messages on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

A number of arrests have been made, with criminal charges being leveled in some cases under laws against inciting racial or religious hatred, and Muslim community leaders have reported rising concern among the estimated 2.5 million Muslims in Britain.

Two men were detained in the middle of the night after they expressed anger at Muslims on Twitter. The Independent quotes police as saying:
"We began inquiries into the comments and at around 3.20am two men, aged 23 and 22, were detained at two addresses in Bristol.

"The men were arrested under the Public Order Act on suspicion of inciting racial or religious hatred. Our inquiries into these comments continue."

DLG comments...
This is the kind of attack against Christianity and free speech that will be welcomed by the Obama administration and all other haters of God, the Bible and salvation through Christ alone.

As I have pointed out in another post, no one will care that I lose my freedom (freedom to follow Christ), as long as they have their freedom (freedom from Christ) They will stand for their freedom, and they will rob me of my freedom and punish me for following Christ.

However, obedience to Christ is not a freedom (though it sets us free), obedience to Christ is a mandate, a responsibility, a proof of faith in Christ.

BTW, it is not the State's right to take away our freedom of speech. But God expects Christians to speak in love or keep silent.


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