Edmund Burke told us, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
When people give a pass to others, including political leaders, concerning their evil words and actions, they are letting evil prevail. Speaking out against evil is not only acceptable, it is essential to honesty and freedom. No one is obligated to defend an evil agenda, regardless of the popular personalities who subscribe to it or promote it. When your political party or your political champion sides with evil, do not hesitate to denounce them, otherwise you are allowing evil to triumph.
Too often evil is glossed over or laughed aside or excused. Evil is not harmless, regardless of how unintentional it seems to be.
We know what evil is, because God makes it clear in His word. When anyone or any group espouses or pursues that which is against the Holy Bible, the Christian faith, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Church, we are obligated to speak against them and to stand for truth.
When people refuse to stand against evil in popular leaders, not only are they prostrating themselves to an evil personality or an evil philosophy or an evil political platform, they are allowing others to be made prisoners.
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